Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Princess Boy

Title: My Princess Boy
Author: Cheryl Kilodavis
Illustrator: Suzanne DeSimone
Genre: Nonfiction
Summary: This picture book talks about how the author’s son likes to dress up like a princess, and to twirl like a ballerina. It also showed how the boy’s family loved him even though if he likes to dress like a girl.

This book is a nonfiction book that talks about acceptance. It is arranged to show that every child should be accepted no matter what toys they would like to play, no matter what kind of clothes they would wear and so on. For the most part of the story, the setting was outside. I think this book speaks thousands of words because you do not see this kind of book out there. This book brings awareness to what is not really spoken about that much. This book basically shows what the author feels about her son being a princess and how his family has accepted him but it hurts them both whenever people pick on him for his preferences. I loved how the author arched the sentences to make it sound like “music” in a way. The book was colorful all the way from the start to the end. I also liked how the author made the sky pink to go along with the theme of the story. He loved the color pink and I felt that it connected to the author's love for her son- her love for her son is big as the sky. This book is non-fiction because it was wrote by a mother who has tremendous love for her son and it did not matter to her that he was different than others. It is a huge social issue in our society because often children are not accepted for who they are. A lot of parents out there can benefit from this book because often parents want their children to be "normal" according to what society thinks but what is normal? How can we define what is normal way for children to act or feel? I won't be too surprised that a lot of parents do not like this book because it is something different, something they are not used to but our society is changing and we should go along with it. I thought that this book is amazing because it kept me entertained throughout the book. One thing that I noticed about this book is that the faces are kept empty and I wonder what is the purpose behind if there was any. I do wonder if the illustrator had purpose behind those empty faces. I actually got that curious and went on the Internet to research, I did not find anything but then I saw the pictures of the boy this story is based on and he looked completely different than I envisioned. Overall, I think this book really approaches the concept of social issues going on in our society. I was really impressed with this book and I have never seen something like this book before.

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