Title: Lou Gehric: The Luckiest Man
Author: David A. Adler
Illustrator: Terry Widener
Award: National Parenting Gold Award in 1997
Medium: Watercolor painting
Genre: Biography
Theme: Lou Gehric was very honored professional baseball player.
Summary: It is a biography of Lou Gehric from birth to death. He was famous for modest and brave Yankees baseball player in 1930’s. He died from deadly disease.
Biography Analysis:
It is about one person, Lou Gehric. There are few imagined conversations in the book. For example, “On May 2, 1939, he told Joe McCarthy, “I’m benching myself… for the good of the team.”
The book is chronological because the book started with birth to death with events in order of occurrence. This book is in category of biographies of the past. Because the author praised Lou Gehric being depicted and put an emphasis only the good qualities of Lou Gehric. After the book, I was led to believe that Lou Gehric is portrayed as “hero”.
I checked if the information about Lou Gehric and it was accurate. The author wrote hundreds books and he is devoted Yankees fan. And the information was accurate, however, the book about Lou Gehric didn’t include everything about him. It only included his personality, devotion to baseball Yankees, deadly disease, and how he was honored as baseball player. The book included specific dates, specific name of the disease, and specific on how he was honored on baseball stadium.
Social Details: Setting and Plot:
The facts and story line are integrated as the picture and text are. The social details are interesting because it includes facts that he never missed a game for 14 years. He was nicknamed as Iron Horse. It also talked about how he got sick with a deadly disease that affects the central nervous system (ALS). It also includes his accomplishments. He won American League’s most valuable player.
Portrayal of the Subject:
Lou Gehric as the character in the book was well developed. After the book, I learned a lot about him as person and what he did in his baseball career. The stereotypes are avoided. They are illustrated as what the place looked like and people look like in 1930’s. Even the illustrator drew how they dress their baseball Yankees uniform.
The writing style is comprehensible and engaging. I was very fascinated with the story and the students, especially who loves sports, would enjoy this book. The text matches the pictures. It even showed emotions and I felt emotional about how he was honored right before his death. So to be emotional about his life, the complex topics are explained adequately. It also included specific dates on these occurrences.
He was a ‘hero’ in the 1930’s being admired by Yankees fan. It was written about all good qualities about him. The book gives the readers the sense of good side of Lou Gehric. He was honored and considered as modest, lucky man. It doesn’t include anything negative about him except how he died. I learned about him when I read the book for first time and I believe he was a good person because it was accurate that he was well respected by his coaches, teammates, and Yankees fans.
As I mentioned before, the illustrations were well drawn because they help the reader visualize the time and place. It shows very clear that the story was taken in early 1900’s when Lou Gehric was born and played baseball in his life. The illustrations illuminate the character of the subject. The illustrations showed how modest he was. His coaches and teammates respected him. The fans loved them. It was emotional book. It wouldn’t be if there were no illustrations on the book.
My evaluation on this book is that it is great book with positive qualities about Lou Gehric. It has included specific facts and emotions people had about Lou Gehric. It was interesting book because it was first time I heard of him. The children who loves sports or any readers would enjoy this book.